Monday, March 1, 2010

Dysphoria Blues I feel like shit...and I don't cuss often. I'm starting to slide back into those feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness. Every day that passes with no hormones and no surgery in sight makes life feel less and less worth living. This depression is getting in the way of studying or doing anything really except sleeping and seeing this girl I like. Being around her makes life hurt worse but only temporarily. When I'm by myself, the headaches come back, I can't stay awake, I can't escape my thoughts. I can feel myself slipping back into the bad habits I resort to to deal with these feelings because I feel trapped. I feel like it's either school or transition because I only have the strength to do one...if any. Just venting I guess. But yea...that's it. And I still don't know what I'm doing for the summer. I don't want to be in my house or in school but no one even wants to give me an interview...*sigh*

Over n Out

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