Transsexual: an individual who identifies with a physical sex different from the one they were born with
Transgender: having personal characteristics that transcend traditional gender boundaries and corresponding sexual norms
FTM: A transgender/transexual person who was born as a female and will be/is living as a male
Transitioning: Refers mostly to phyical changes you make to go from your born-gender to the gender your meant to be.
Passing: The act or ability to be seen as the gender you are transitioning towards physically as well as with body language or other antics.
T: Testosterone. FTMs typically choose to take testosterone to grow hair on their face and elsewhere, to lower their voice, increase muscle growth, cease the monthly bill (period), redistribute fat, shape their face, etc. It can be taken as an injection, a patch, a pill or a gel/cream
Binder/Binding: A binder is an article of clothing used to compress the chest and give an appearance/feeling of pecs as opposed to boobs. The act of binding is use of the formerly stated or ace bandages, small sports bras, tape, etc. to accomplish the same goal.
Top Surgery: Surgery to remove breast tissue and relocate/resize nipple area if needed
Packer: Basically a synthetic, temporary penis used to create a buldge and give transguys a more complete feeling and added confidence in passing
STP: A packer with umph. It stands for Stand-to-pee device. So in addition to a buldge, a transguy can use urinals or at least pee standing/outside in the bushes/wherever else
Bottom Surgery: Genital recontructive surgery. There are 3 types: Metoidioplasty (Check it out), Centurion (Check it out) & Phalloplasty (Check it out). Btw the links are not pics, just explanations.
MensRoom: A private community of Transmen that I am apart of. Very helpful. Lots of friendly people in all stages of transition. Check it out
MensRoomFTM: A collab channel that I am a part of that discusses Trans topics. Lots of cool guys. I post sundays! Check it out
Randomness about me
(see if you can ulitize your new vocabulary)
Name: Zay
Age: 17
Location: California
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Number: 7
Family Stats: (1) brother, (1) mother, (1) father
Relationship Status: Taken since April 11, 2009 :)
Height: 5' 6"
Religion: Christian (of the literal meaning which is follower of Christ. Nothing more, nothing less)
When I Realized I Was Different: As far back as I can remember but clearly by age 4
When I Realized I Was Trans: April 4, 2009
My Transition Plans: My first step is getting a binder. Then new clothes once I move out (July 27th) but hopefully before then. I plan to start on T by November of this year (2009) and I'll be saving up to have Top surgery ASAP. The cost is averaged around $7,000. I do want a phalloplasty but I am not impressed with the results so I'll wait for them to get better.
School Stuff: UCLA class of 2013. Major in Ethnomusicology (hopefully double major in Afro-Am Studies)
Career Plans: Film Scorer
Life Plans: Get married, get rich, father adopted children, donate a crap load of money to organizations that help people like me (Not just trans-wise but for other stuff too), learn to break dance and to do a back handspring.
If you made it this far, you're pretty awesome I must say. That was probably alot to take in, so I'll leave you with that for now. Any other questions you may have for now can probably be answered here: Check it out
Over n Out